Sunday, April 19, 2009

yeah its been awhile

its kinda been a long time since ive blogged so.....
here i am!
my life hasnt been too much of a disaster lately
well, maybe a little.
but anywayyyyy
today's random theme is going start with.........
hey, dont give me that look, u try thinking of something else.
ny way i realized i needed new ones, and i thought of all types of mixed stories. i remember i wanted turquoise converse. i told my parents about them and pointed them out, but did i get em?
no. my sister did. for her birthday.
she has worn them a total of, like, six times, and her birthday was in early March.
she also got an i tunes gift certificate - yet ive had an i pod way longer than she has.
not only that, she got a ton of expensive clothes from abercrombie and later she complained that she got so little.
uh, hello?
for my birthday i got a gift certificate and a twilight calender from my parents.
i tried to have a slumber party, but only one person showed up. we went to chilis and then my parents decided to buy their christmas tree while we were getting ice cream at publix.
dont u just love ur life now?
kay i gtg now but keep reading this blog!
all three of you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

hi people of earth, uranus, and zimbabwe!
oh, and rose too.
i should be studying while my parents are on one of their 2 mile walks
what they dont know wont hurt them
although i have absolutely nothing to say, anything beats studying for a latin test.
who needs to know a dead language?
its only prefixes and suffixes anyway.
BY THE WAY........................................................................................
today is special
mine are pink :)
that's right! the day dedicated to the two house shoes that keep our feet warm and are also soft and fluffy on the outside.
ok maybe not, but like i said, i had nothing to write.
or maybe it does exist...............
next week is national lamp day!!!!!!!!!!
but for now,

Monday, October 27, 2008

ode to our commentors

Hey People!!!
today i feel generous so i want to do something special.
remember when i was the only one who used to comment?
now, i love to post and everything, but the blog gets better if people comment
(y'know, OTHER people)
i would like to thank everyone that has posted a comment on our blog
so thanks:
anonymous people
aparelho de DVD
echo, lilac, tilla, celedae
remember people, ur name might not be here if you comment after this post (actually, it WILL NOT be here) but thanks anyway.
(and sorry if i spell ur name wrong, im not the best at that, especially when i type)
so thanks to all u fellow bloggers of blogger that comment our comments.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alright, fine. I will post more. But I'll only post in response to Hailey, because I'm not that into posting stuff that happens to me. My life is too boring for that.

In reality, though, I don't think I'm as great as Hailey thinks I am. I got in, yeah, but that just means I have talent. I don't exactly have skill. That's what I'm there to gain.

And I'm not sure, but I think you can be president if you've been an American citizen for a certain number of years. Hailey, you are not an illegal alien, so go on and run! 'Cept I have to be your VP'd be cool.....

And! Did you get Xoe's comment, Hailes? lol. I'm writing another story, but I won't post it anywhere on the internet until I decide to stop writing it, which I hope I won't because I have a feeling it's gonna turn out pretty good. Oh, and I gave up completely on Castalia. It just wasn't working for me. Sorry. is for artwork. is for poems and stories. I like this one better because I actually HAVE stuff to upload to it.

My last scanner died, and I can't figure out how to work the new snazzy one, so I don't upload drawings much anymore. I have to stick with photography for now, but I don't mind, because I like taking lots of pictures.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

i am a ghost!!!!!!
but nobody told me.
oh well.
and for your infromation i will post more crap on here.
i say crap because, heck, its not like the stuff we put here is good.
but who cares?
btw rose is an FREAKING AWESOME artist. she got into a special high school for it. so yeah, check out the link thingies.
i cant say anything about me
well, i guess i could say im FREAKING AWESOME at.... uh..... existing.
yeah........... thats my special talent in life. ill be someone who exists but does nothing.
I could be the next George Bush, without the whole bad edukation, aksent, and warrr.
actually, i cant even be that cuz im canadian.
what is my meaning in this world!!
ok i gtg and ponder
ponder ponder ponder ponder ponder ponder ponder

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hailey.... is a bailey.....just like Kailey!

But Hailey is gone. She died. I did too. I'm a ghost. No. A zombie. I am writing this from the underworld. IDK where Hailey is. But if she writes anything, then it's her ghost, zombie, or spirit thingy writing it.

In reality, we've just gotten bored of this blog. We may or may not post more stuff, but don't count on it.

Well, she might. I probably won't.

But check me out @ for artwork and for writing.

Bye bye.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

i dont know a title to write

hey people of earth!
oh, and rose too.
jk to u rose.
or is it???
anyway, i've been in high school, and guess what?????
I HATE IT ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok i feel better.

and now for the main topic of this passage
ha ha ha yeah right.
psh. spoons.
anyway, the real message is




way better than spons, and they have little sticks on them.
and they are the very tool to eat cheese fries next
(lets see spoons do that)
ok thats enough for now.
im done
nothing to say
ha ha - no, seriously, im not starting that again